JSON is empty
json[element] %jsonelement% is empty
json[element] %jsonelement% is(n't| not) empty
on script load:
set {-e} to new json from string "{'Hello': 'There'"}
json {-e} is empty:
broadcast "is empty"
JSON File exists
json file %object% does exist
json file %object% does( not|n't) exist
on load:
json file "test\test.json" exist:
broadcast true
Type of JSON
(json|jsonelement) %jsonelement% is [a] (:array|:object|:primitive)
(json|jsonelement) %jsonelement% is(n't| not) [a] (:array|:object|:primitive)
on load:
set {-e} to new json from string "[1, false, 'test', null"
json {-e} is array:
broadcast true
set {-e} to new json from string "{'Hi': 'There'}"
json {-e} is object:
broadcast true
JSON has/hasn't key
%jsonelement% has ((:key|:value) %string/integer/boolean%|(:keys|:values) %objects%)
%jsonelement% has(n't| not) ((:key|:value)%string/integer/boolean%|(:keys|:values) %objects%)
on script load:
set {-data} to new json from string "{'Hello': {'Hi': 'There'}}"
if {-data} has keys "Hello", "Hi":
send true
Last updated
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